Seems like modern day cinema can't survive without franchises, every studio wants to have its own ''Harry potter'' in order to generate a shitload of money and milk the cow in the future. So it wasn't that weird when every god damn well known YA series were turned into movies and the 5th wave is the latest addition to the YA movies family and yeah it bombed, at least in the USA. So the question is, are YA adaptations doomed??
The thing about the dystopian genre (and any other YA fantasy adaptations) is that they all have the same damn cliches, nothing really new to add:
1- there is always a corrupted government or a bunch of assholes who control things.
2- There is always a chosen one, a Neo, someone who'll save the society from the ruling assholes.

3- Teens are always fighting, a group of people who are still trying to deal with their hormones are trained to fight and kill like savages, fuck yeah.
4- A fucking love triangle with two hot leads and don't forget the abs. The society is fucked up but there is always time for a love triangle. In case of not having a love triangle, the chosen one will end up with a hot but emotionally fucked up dude. It's ok, love will make them survive.
5- Adults are a bunch of assholes. Trust no one, Mulder.

6- There is always a game or test that you will have to pass to determine your fucked up future.
7- The heroine always has self esteem issues, emotionally fucked up and so fucking boring.

When adopting a book into a movie, you are not targeting the fans of the books, you're targeting movie fans so you really have to make things interesting for them. What was so interesting about Tris?? A divergent is a normal person so why would you expect the people to give a fuck about a totally normal person living in a weird ass society?? The movie makers failed in making a connection between the characters and the audience so people didn't really give a fuck about the whole thing. Those who are making these adaptations aren't trying to add anything new to their movies so people aren't really that thrilled with these movie. Harry potter movies are interesting to watch, you could feel that those behind the movies knew what they were doing and who to choose to sit behind the chair and have a vision to make the movies work for both the fans and the audience so people went to see the movies without hesitating.
But when you have different titles but with the same elements, people won't really give a fuck and movies like the giver are prime examples. The movie market is huge and there are a lot of movies to choose from and these movie don't really standout and aren't attractive enough for people to spend their hard earned money on. So is the YA genre dead ??? Well, if things keep going like this then yeah, pretty much.