What started as a promising and interesting movie, ended into something that only would come from the asylum not fox...
When I went to see the movie, I knew all the bad buzz the surrounded the movie so I wasn't really sure what to expect and till now I can't really figure out what to write because this movie is so marvelous on so many levels, I've never seen such a terrific way to kill and botch your own franchise. So I decided to split this up into two parts:
1- The good parts (the first part of the movie).
2- The bad parts (the final parts of the movie).
So what went right?? what made me think that this movie might not be as bad as people are saying???
The first part of the movie felt like as if Trank and co wanted to take this movie into a more sci-fi direction and It had this Nolan feeling into it, which was fine by me. We first get introduced to a younger version of Reed Richards and Ben Grim and how the became best friends and then we get to see them grow up and we find out that both of them succeeded in building a prototype teleporter that has the ability to transport stuff into another dimension, so far so good. Then we get introduced to Dr. Storm and his adopted daughter Sue after they find out about Reed's machine and it turns out that Dr. storm has been working on the same project but a bigger scale so he asks Reed to join him and try to make the machine work after years of failed attempts. Till now the plot was good and I had the feeling that this might pay off by the end. We then get introduced to the rest of the gang, Dr. Storm's son Johnny and the one and only Von Doom but lets talk about him later. The chemistry between those guys in the first part was really good plus the cast did their best into making us buy into these characters but before we reach into the next part of the story you could feel that a lot of stuff was edited out of the movie, you never got the chance to see what made those young people so special (Reed aside). And after re watching the trailers I do think that they took out a lot of essential parts might have helped us into understanding those young people and their gifts. So they finally manage to build the machine and went into the other dimension which had a bit of a cool design, before shit hit the fan and the whole place started to explode before they return back, leaving Von Doom behind and by god how brilliant and horrifying the whole scenes were. The whole accident thing was nicely shot and it was disturbing enough to make me feel how horrifying the whole accident was. It was scenes like this one that made me buy into the movie and like it for a bit. But the really, really disturbing and horrifying part was when then found out that the accident made then into freaks, when we got to see them after the accident, it had this horror movie feeling into it, it was so dark and grim and this when the movie stopped making any sense and started to lead into nothing. But till this point I was invested into the movie and I was expecting that all of this will lead to something.
And then when we were about to see how will they adapt their new powers and how will they interact with each other as a unit, this happens:
This when I started to feel that I'm watching a whole new movie, because starting from here nothing really happens. But they started to show us that the military are using them and trying to figure out how to make more of them which is ok by but the thing is that this didn't lead to anything. They started to throw things at you like they started to know how to control their powers and that Reed is a total dick, speaking of, at some point you would expect him doing something which he was as he was trying to find a cure for his friends but finally the army decided to catch him and bring him back. Problem is that all of this happens so fast and the more the movie progresses the more you feel that there were huge changes were made. What's more frasturating is that when something starts to happen, it never really goes anywhere. Like there was this cool action scene in the woods between Reeds and the army but it ended so fast, like why???!!!!!!
So now we have the whole gang back together again and we're like an hour into the movie maybe?? an hour 10 minutes??? I don't know, but I started to ask myself if I was watching the same movie, may be I'm in the wrong theater??? And this is when I'll just stop talking about the movie and discuss something else, why the fuck did fox make this movie?? Having a melt down between a director and the studio isn't something new, heck, ant freaking man had some backstage issues and Marvel decided to bring a new director o board but at least Disney (marvel) had a vision. Disney wanted the movie to connect with the rest of Marvel's universe but Edgar Wright was like fuck you guys, I don't want to do that so Disney didn't really give a shit, brought a new director, rewrote some stuff and released the movie that they wanted to release. On the other hand, that second part of the movie showed that Fox didn't really have anything on their minds. So yeah, the guys at Fox didn't like Josh's version so what did Fox want to do?? I'm really sure that even if Trank's version wasn't that great (we'll never know) but at least the guy had a vision, he had something on his mind. But the guys at Fox didn't really care, they really didn't give a fuck so things like this for example slipped away:
A fucking wig in a 120 million dollars produced movie, the wig was so fake and obvious that I felt as if Fox was saying ''Fuck you'' to who ever went to see this movie. So if the studio it self didn't really give a damn about the movie, so why should the people?? But it was really obvious that Fox knew that the thing that they had in their hands was so shitty and horrific that even the cast didn't see the movie till it was released. And by god, the god awful climax!! When doom came out of no where and added him to mix he did have some cool stuff like making people's heads explode and shit but he didn't really use his powers in the final scenes, fuck, the finished the guy off in 10 fucking minutes!! 10 freaking minutes!!! The climax, the movie's most important (and only) real action scene started and ended in 10 freaking minutes. The F4 destroyed their emo arch nemesis in 10 minutes and boy did they ruin Doom's character to the point that I really didn't give a single fuck when he appeared, I was like ''Is he in the movie?!''.
Here is a quote that I really liked from a review:
''If “Victor Domashev” was even remotely interesting at one point, these cuts and changes have removed every aspect of his personality. All that’s left is a one-dimensional psycho that still doesn’t look or act like the traditional Doctor Doom''.
Read More: Everything That Was Cut From ‘Fantastic Four’ Before Its Release | http://screencrush.com/fantastic-four-trailer-scenes-cut-from-movie/?trackback=tsmclip
Doom's character suffered from the re-shoots and the rewritings to a point that his character didn't make any sense. And that laughable fighting scream was so bland, so green screened, so shitty that even the cast didn't give a single fuck, you could see how flat they were. Plus, you will really have to ask yourself why are the even fighting?? Why are they together?? The f4 didn't really interact with each other for like half the movie, the whole thing had this big MEH feeling into it. After that horrific scene you'll have to ask yourself about the stuff that we saw in the trailers, It's like ordering a big mac only to receive a happy meal instead. If you are interested, here are some of the scenes and stuff that didn't make it to the final version of the movie:
And then after this grimness, darkness and Meh , the movie turned into some sort of a parody or a campy 1960s movie. Those final scenes feel like as if they were shooting another movie, not the one that we were watching!! It's a shame to see such a talented cast getting wasted in such a terrible excuse of a movie. It's a shame to see Josh Trank getting fucked that way and by god it's a shame to see that the backstage drama is more interesting than the movie it self, It's a sad movie, a really sad one and I really want to see a director's cut to see where did Trank want to take this, but I guess this won't happen but at least the people said fuck you to Fox and decided to just skip the whole thing. If you really want to know the true meaning of epic fail then don't waste any time and go watch this, you will be amazed (Lol, it costed more than $120 million) ,,,,